Subject: 1996 Icon Calendar Author: ESPEAR Uploaded By: ESPEAR Date: 1/7/1996 File: CALENDAR.sit (376674 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60226 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 373 Equipment: Mac Plus or later Needs: System 7.x; AOL 2.x or StuffIt Expander 3.x Keywords: DESKTOP ICON ICL8 ICN* SYSTEM7 SYSTEM 7: Dependent TYPE: Freeware Icons LIBRARY: MUT/Resources/ICxx's #6 --------------- Keywords: DESKTOP ICON ICL8 ICN* SYSTEM7 This is a set of twelve custom Icon Folders, one for each month of the year. Within each of these are custom folders for each day of the month laid out in calender fashion. Say you have a file that will need your attention on June 12. You can open the custom June folder, then the June 12 folder, and tuck your file in there where it will quietly wait until needed. Hope you enjoy, ESPEAR ------------------------------------------------------------ Macintosh Utilities Forum Use Keyword: MUT This file has been checked for viruses with SAM 4.0 sac